Grotessca Medallion


Grotessca Style garland

Paul Ellingsen discovered a talent and a strong desire to create art at a very early age. His mother, Sophie, did water colors and inspired and encouraged his interest.

As a young adult he studied at the Art Institute of Chicago where one of his teachers was Leroy Neiman. He studied portraiture with Ken Goldman at the Athenaeum in La Jolla. More recently, Paul participated in intensive mural and grotessca studies in New York under the Europe-trained artisan, Nicola Vigini at Vigini Studios, Inc. He also learned faux techniques with the New York Finishing School.

Paul has long incorporated a wood shop in his studio thus enabling him to create backdrops for his art. For example: a 13' long wood scalloped valance for his impressionistic bougainvillea; a Chinese, "crackled" finish screen to an interior designer's specs; a paneled disguise over a bathtub in an important guest bath; a wood, marbleized "glove" to fit over a smaller, marble dining table top to enable a larger dinner service when the occasion demanded.

Rather than creating art for sale, Paul is most often commissioned to create specific paintings and works for clients. He prefers, beginning at design, and through the project stages, to have the client become a participant in the process. In this way, the results can be most rewarding for artist and client.

Paul Ellingsen will be pleased to work with you or your interior designer in achieving an art work that will enhance your decorating and home as only original art can.

This book has been published of Paul Ellingsen's most recent artwork.


Grotessca Style garland



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